Ana in Gangs of Galicia: A new Netflix thriller-crime-based TV series created & written by Jorge and directed by Roger Gual. This show revolves around the city of Cambados and stars Clara Lago Grau and Tamar Novas in the lead role. The story shows the relationship between Ana, whose character is played by Clara Lago, a lawyer who recently moved to Cambados leaving her life in Madrid and Daniel Padin, played by Tamar Novas, son of the drug lord Jose Padin who is currently in prison.
Ana Gonzalez Soriano is the lead protagonist here. She gets the news that her father, Jorge has been shot dead in his luxurious tourist board in the broad daylight. Upon investigating, Ana finds out about his hidden past life as a drug trafficker and to know more she moved to a completely new city, leaving her settled life in Madrid.
Clara did her feature debut film in Miserable Life by providing a voice to Bea. She has been doing versatile roles in many Spanish films and has also been awarded ‘Best New Talent in Spanish Cinema’ by L’Oreal in 2008. Along with this, she has also received other awards like the Shooting Stars Award for her role in the film – The Hidden Face.
In 2014, she delivered a great performance in the film, Spanish Affair, and the film gained the title of Top-grossing Spanish film of all time with more than 75 million dollars in revenue. She has also dubbed Cleopatra in the video game, Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
If we talk about her recent work, then she has done a phenomenal job in the latest Netflix series – Gangs of Galicia.
At the start of season 1, we can see that her father was mysteriously murdered on his own boat while he was giving rides to his customers. Upon knowing this, Ana feels that there might be a hidden life of his father which she and her mother are completely unaware of. She shifted to a new city where her arrival gets the attention of the drug lord’s son Daniel who finds her attractive and tries to impress her throughout.
Upon digging further into her father’s murder mystery, she finds out that he was connected to the drug mafia in Cambados and Padin’s family has something to do with her father’s death. She started getting close to Daniel by helping him in his deals as a legal advisor to find out the secrets and documents that could help her destroy the Padin family.
While going through all this, they start developing feelings for each other and Daniel confront to her that he wishes to leave all these behind and go away with her to live a peaceful life happily. They both fear that Daniel’s father, the drug lord, won’t be happy about it and as he never forgets his revenge, he will come looking for them and might hurt or kill Ana eventually.
Read More: Gangs of Galicia (Clanes) Episode 5 Recap and Explained
Ana suggests that Daniel steal the secrets and documents of his father, Jose Padin So that they can keep the same as an assurance that having them will prevent Jose from harming them. Daniel agrees to do so and goes to Nazario’s house with Nilo to steal them.