Uzumaki Episode 1 Recap: Directed by Hiroshi Nagahama, ‘Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror’ is a horror adult anime that released its first episode on 29th Sept 2024. The anime is based on a Japanese horror manga series written by Junji Ito. In this article, we will be covering what happened in Episode 1 of ‘Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror.’
Uzumaki Episode 1 Recap
The show starts with the scene at Kurouzu Railway Station where the lead character, Kirie is meeting her boyfriend Shuichi, who discusses leaving this town together as some mysterious things are happening in the town. He explains to her, about the condition of his Dad who is getting highly obsessed with the spiral shapes and keeps looking at those shapes for hours and then his eye starts to spin in different directions.
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He even explains that his father makes spiral shapes in his soup bowl, also in his bathtub before bathing, and day by day it’s getting worse. But Kirie doesn’t take it seriously and giggles. Shuichi says that she will understand it when she sees it herself and how terrifying it is. Then Kirie returns home where she finds Shuichi’s father discussing about spiral shapes with Kirie’s father.
In the next scene, we get introduced to Kirie’s friend Akane. While talking, Kirie notices a scar on Akane’s forehead. Akane then explains how she got that scar while impressing a boy and since that day, all her crushes get attracted to her without putting much effort. Upon knowing about Kirie’s boyfriend, Akane seems to be interested in him.
Later, Kirie takes Akane to introduce her to Shuichi, but the moment he notices the scar, he grabs Kirie’s hand and runs away from there warning Kirie that Akane is a spiral and she should stay away from her. He even claims that Akane is affected by ‘Uzumak, the spiral disease’.
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On the other hand, Spiral disease keeps spreading and can be seen on one of Kirie’s classmates’ back while he was getting bullied. Then, Shuichi’s fathers ordered a customized tub and twisted himself to form a spiral shape. He twisted himself so much that his bones broke in the attempt and he died in it. When everyone gathers at his father’s funeral, the cremation smoke starts to form spiral shapes which badly affects Shuichi’s mother. She got so horrified by the spiral shapes that she shaved her head, and cut off her fingertips only so that she didn’t get to see spiral shapes.
Kirie then meets Akane whose half face is now consumed by the spiral scare she had initially which is growing now. Upon seeing that, she was horrified and started to run away.
On the other hand. Akane convinces a boy to call Shuichi to meet her and in return, she becomes that boy’s girlfriend. That schoolboy brought Shuichi but instead of fulfilling her promise, she swallowed the boy in the growing spiral shape on her head. Shuichi then climbs a tree running away from her when he finds Kirie running away.
When he explains to her what just happened with the boy, meanwhile Akane’s full boy gets consumed by the rotating spiral and vanishes completely. At this moment, Kirie realizes that this is just the beginning of the curse affecting their town, and episode 1 ends there.
Uzumaki Episode 2 Release Date
This show will consist of 4 episodes with the 2nd episode coming on 5th Oct 2024.